Stamped Concrete
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Decorative Concrete
Thank you for visiting our site and inquiring about having us build your new patio for you. Now that you have looked at the different patterns, colors, and styles of patios we offer, you may want to know how we design and build your new patio.
The first thing we will do is find out what kind of patio you want. Do you want a square patio or a free form patio? Next, where is the patio going to be located?
The second step is determining the grade and what kind of steps you want. You saw some examples of our steps, but if you have a design you would just love to share with us we may be able to make it a reality.
The third step is picking the patterns and colors, once all this is complete we can start excavating the property to get the correct levels for your patio. For those of you who have never experienced anything like this before please be patient it may look like your yard is being torn apart at first, but not to worry, things only get better form here.

Creative Patio Designs
Next, we will start forming out your patio to the design you specified. Your sub-grade will consist of four inches of aggregate which will be brought in by our trucks. Rebar and wire mesh will be placed over the aggregate, we will then add between four to five inches of concrete from a reputable company delivered by truck and your patio starts to take form.
Concrete Stain Colors
Coloring your patio is next, you will see us throwing a powdery material and applying it to your concrete. Soon you'll start seeing your patio changing color; this is your color hardener being applied. Now the part you been waiting for, Release powder is thrown in and the stamp work begins, little by little you'll start seeing the pattern you chose cover the area we formed.
Finally, we are almost there, we add the colors in for your antiquing, and weather permitting we seal your patio the next day. When all this is done we clean up the mess and you are left with a beautiful new patio you can show off to your family and friends, and we are left with another satisfied customer.